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Annual Nanny Reviews – Best Practices

Northwest Indiana Nannies offers Nanny Annual Review Best Practices and Tips

Nanny Annual Reviews - Best Practices

Whether it’s your first or fifth time preparing for an annual nanny review, it is a challenge to know where to start. Questions are swirling in your mind such as: “What things do we talk about?”, “How much of a raise do I offer?”, “Formal meeting or casual conversation?”, “How do I approach adding extra responsibilities to the job description?”. This article provides best practices to prepare you to conduct a nanny annual review with confidence!

Use a Template & Dedicate a Meeting Time

Northwest Indiana Nannies clients receive a sample Nanny Review Template one month prior to a placed nanny’s work anniversary. If you are not a nanny placement client, we offer the template in conjunction with a paid family coaching call! Email Ahna here to request a coaching call.

The Nanny Review Template initiates consideration and conversation on many areas of importance related to employing a nanny. Take this opportunity to have open and honest communication with your nanny. Be sure to offer positive feedback for areas your nanny is meeting/exceeding expectations, along with constructive feedback in areas that you would like to see changes.

Location and setting are very important for a productive annual review. Most nanny employers choose to host them in their homes. The review meeting works best if it is uninterrupted by your child(ren). Make sure to schedule the nanny review at a time that your child(ren) are either not present or are being cared for by someone else.

Reference your Work Agreement/Contract

Pull up the nanny work agreement or contract you have with your nanny prior to the meeting. Reviewing this with your nanny will stimulate additional discussion related to specific job duties and responsibilities. If the responsibilities of this role have adjusted over the year, or you’d like to make adjustments, now is the time to discuss those changes. Changes are to be considered while discussing compensation as well. 

It is good practice to create a new work agreement/contract after the nanny review meeting to reflect the agreed upon changes. Northwest Indiana Nannies offers work agreement renewal assistance as an included service for nanny placement clients! 

Encourage your Nanny to Give YOU a Review

Provide space for your nanny to express their feedback about you as an employer. This employment relationship must be mutually respectful and beneficial if it is to last long term! Listen to understand and make your own adjustments as needed.

Consider asking your nanny the following questions during their annual review:

  • How have we/I been as an employer? What’s been great? What’s not great?
  • What supplies do you need to perform your responsibilities?
  • How do you feel our communication has been on a regular basis?
  • What things do you like about your role with us? What things do you dislike?
  • What things have been on your mind that you’d like to discuss?


Offer a Fair Increase in Compensation

Many factors are to be considered when it comes to annual nanny raises and nanny compensation. Even if nothing at all has changed about your nanny’s responsibilities, the longevity and stability your nanny provides is a value-add they deserve to be compensated appropriately for. Northwest Indiana Nannies suggests a baseline of a $1/hour raise for renewing an annual work agreement/contract.

Additional nanny raises are provided for changes in responsibilities to the job, such as:

  • Addition of a new child (to take effect upon the birth/adoption date of the child)
  • Addition of duties (child related or house related)
  • Addition of a high-interaction pet (such as a puppy or kitten)

Consider offering your nanny compensation in other ways, too! Offering cell phone reimbursement is advised if your nanny uses their personal phone to communicate with you while on the job. A health insurance stipend will go a long way for a nanny, as this is a common stressor in the nanny field! If your nanny has been transporting your child(ren) in their own personal vehicle, investing in a “nanny car” would be a fantastic way to show your nanny that you value them. Your nanny may have some ideas too, so be sure to ask.

Looking for More Guidance?

Northwest Indiana Nannies offers coaching calls for families! If you are interested in this service, please email Ahna here. Coaching calls can be about any and all topics related to nanny employment and are offered by appointment only.

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